Barot, Seema

I am an artist who creates by connecting with my soul, a spiritualist at heart who believes art heals.

I’ve been creative since childhood, and have always had a sense of inner knowing that my life would be deeply connected to art.

Creating art is a spiritual experience for me, I don’t plan , I merely channel and become a conduit. I unconditionally love each painting and speak to it directly though positive affirmations of love as I create.

I paint through the medium of acrylic on canvas , with each brushstroke, the mix of pigments, and the surfaces in my (Dance of the Cosmo collection) embodying the sacred energy of my creative process.

I start each painting by setting the scene and connecting to my soul through meditation, with ambient music and candles inviting the spirit world.My intentions are translated into the painting as energetic vibrations, which I trust will be positively felt by the receiver. To me, love is the highest vibration, and my intention and soul purpose in life is to help others heal through my art. I create for myself first, to understand my emotions and take the necessary steps toward my healing. I am on a constant journey of growth and evolution that permeates through my art. My art is the manifestation of pure energy. I invite the viewers to immerse themselves into this Dance of the Cosmos.
Instagram: @mantrahealingart